What We Do



We Strengthen Families

Many societal issues can be attributed to the breakdown of the family.  Family breakdown and dysfunction can lead to poverty, abuse, trafficking, drug use, orphaned children, malnutrition and a host of other issues.  Rather than focusing on a multitude of symptoms, United Sphere proactively invests in creating healthy family environments.  We concentrate on strengthening family units by offering workshops on marriage, parenting and money management.  We work to ensure youth grow up in healthy home environments with safe water, clean air and a good understanding of disease prevention.  We promote entrepreneurial training to help increase household income and attain greater financial sustainability.   Most importantly, while addressing the physical needs, we help families discover and understand what it means to live life to the fullest through an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ!


We Invest in Quality Education

Quality education helps open the door to greater possibilities and opportunities.  United Sphere invests in schools that provide high quality education that equips students to be men and women of integrity and demonstrate servant leadership in their communities.  We support schools that equip students with the skills, training and knowledge that make them desirable to employers.  We place a high value on schools that have a holistic mindset and want to have a positive impact on students as well as their families.  Our desire is to see graduating students attain employment opportunities that will someday sustain their future families.  Additionally, we want students to know and understand God’s purpose for their lives.


We Mobilize Healthy Churches

We live in a broken world and the local church is God’s way of fixing our broken world.  In Matthew 28, Jesus tells us to go make disciples that obey His commandments.  We invest in churches that are making disciples that live out God’s word in their communities.  We work with churches to develop servant leaders and provide opportunities for people to use their gifts, talents, skills and resources to restore our broken world.  As John 10:10 states, Jesus came that we might have life to the fullest, we want to see people experience full life with an intimate relationship with Jesus!
